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Unruh Spine Center

Dr. Chace Unruh


Dr. Chace Unruh of Unruh Spine Centers has been working to help patients find relief from chronic pain since 2002. Our Santa Clarita chiropractor has committed himself fully to the well-being of his patients, helping them ease discomfort and promote health through every means available.

Dr. Unruh finds that it is far more effective to treat an individual by taking into account the whole, rather than only a single part or symptom. Chronic back pain, for example, cannot be solved by addressing only the back without considering foot problems, sleeping patterns, tension and anxiety. This is why in addition to state-of-the-art physiotherapy, he also utilizes the best natural mineral supplements available.

“I have joined VIP to stay involved in our community. My team and I really just want to be able to help as many people as we can and the only way to do that is to be involved in the community that we serve.”

